Uyir Thamizhukku is a 2024 film directed by Aatham Bava, produced by Moon Pictures which portrays Ameer, Chandini Sreedharan, Anandraj, Raj Kapoor, Imaan Annachi, Saravana Sakthi and Kanja Karuppu. The music is scored by Vidyasagar and cinematography is accomplished by Devaraj.
The story revolves around Ameer who works as a cable TV worker. He falls in love with Chandini, Anandraj’s daughter. Their love is opposed by MLA Anandraj. Ameer wins as the ward councillor for his love. Rivalry starts between Ameer and Anandraj due to this love. In this situation, Anandraj has been murdered in a mysterious way. This blame falls on Ameer. Due to this issue, Chandini gets seperated from Ameer. Ameer participates in the by-elections to clear the false murder charges against him. On behalf of her father, Chandini participates in the by-elections. This causes enmity between Ameer and Chandini Sreedharan. At last, what happens is the rest of the story.
Ameer aced his role. To this day, Ameer who has acted only serious roles, now picked up a commercial role and acted well. In the first half of the movie, Ameer’s makeup was too much and looked as if it was painted. Chandini was the perfect pair for Ameer, be it as his lady love or a opposing politician, she acted well accordingly. Vidyasagar’s background music was an advantage for the film. Cinematography played a major role. Overall, it was an entertaining political drama.
Rating – 3/5.