‘Sattam En Kayil’ is a Tamil Movie releasing worldwide on September 27, 2024. The movie is a crime thriller which has been cleanly narrated by director Chachhi, brother-in-law of comedy actor Sathish. Paval Navageethan & choreographer Ajay Raj have played lead roles in the movie.
Comedy actor Sathish who was elevated as Hero in Tamil Films in the recent years has to be really appreciated for his nobility in accepting to play in a supporting role in the movie. Though Pavel Navageethan has acted well, his overacting in few scenes seems to be artificial. Choreographer Ajay Raj’s acting performance was subtle. Sathish has really improved his acting far better than his earlier movies. Mime Gopi has played a cameo who appears on screen only during the climax of the movie.
Other artistes Venba, CWC Rithika, Vidhya Pradeep, Bava Chellaudrai, E.Ramadoss, KPY Sathish and others have done what they have been assigned to do. KPY Sathish’s performance gathers audience attention.
The story happens in one night and the shots in the movie lacks continuity in the costumes, vehicles used, makeup and few other. Few scenes have been created giving weightage to Sathish to portray him as a protagonist and those shots look amateur.
P.G.Muthiaya’s cinematography, Martin Titus.A’s editing and M.S.Jones Rupert’s music keeps the audience engaged without any hesitation.
Finally to say, ‘Sattam En Kayil’ is a nice thriller which can be watched by family audiences.
Rating: 3/5