Ajith Kumar’s Billa had experienced such extolments by fans and critics during its time of release, years passed, and it still remains as the favourite of film enthusiasts. And now, the fans have the occasion to recreate the festive celebrations as Billa is all set to hit the screens again.
Aravind Suresh Kumar and Dr. Gnana Barathi of GB Entertainment are releasing this movie across 150+ Screens under the banner of ATM Productions across Tamil Nadu on May 1st, 2024.
Aravind Suresh Kumar and Gnana Barathi, GB Entertainment express their joy in re-launching the highly successful Tamil film “Billa”. This movie holds a significant place in the industry as one of the earliest successful remakes. The theatrical release of ‘Billa’ was a big bash, appealing to a wide audience beyond just fans.
Presented by Vishnuvardhan, Billa holds a stupendous record at the box office. Ajith Kumar’s dual role along with the eye captivating presence of Nayanthara, and other artistes, embellished with the spectacular visuals of Nirav Shah and a power-packed musical score by Yuvan Shankar Raja endowed an unforgettable visual treat for the spectators.