Blue Star movie star-cast Ashok Selvam, Shantanu, Prithivi and Keerthi Pandian in the lead roles. This movie is set in the backdrops of Arakonnam town in the neighbouring district of Chennai. The movie portrays the clash and conflict between the so-called societies classified in upper class and lower class communities.
Blue Star is a cricket team of a particular cast led by Ashok Selvan and Alpha is a cricket team led by Shantanu of a different caste. Cricket tournaments between these two teams continue a rivalry for a decade and more. The movie clearly portrays how caste politics intrudes into sports. Does the rivalry between both the teams end up or not is the remaining part of the story.
Writer Thamizhprabha has narrated the script in a way that could easily reach the audience and Debutante Director S.Jayakumar has well executed the movie in a way the audience would really enjoy and realise the life and politics behind the caste and sports. The movie has clearly portrayed the dominance of the so-called upper-caste politics, corruption and malpractices hidden behind sports. The lead start-casts Ashok Selvan, Shantanu and Prithivi have done their best in their performance. Keerthi Pandian’s realistic acting, her mannerism and dialogue delivery has not only elevated her acting career, it has really added an extra mileage to the movie. Buks, Elango Kumaravel, Lisi Antony, T.N.Arun Balaji and Dhivya Duraiswamy have done justice to their work. Buks and Lisi Antony scenes stay in our mind. Dhivya Duraiswamy scores applause from the audience for her subtle performance. Arun Balaji as Village Head has really played well in a notable character.
Govind Vasantha’s music in few scenes keeps irritating with a banging noise which is not necessary at those scenes. Cinematographer Thamizh A Azhagan has captured scenes with reality. R.K.Selva’s editing looks grippy.
Blue Star is one more movie to be added in the library of the good movies of Ranjith’s Neelam Productions. Blue Star is a movie that can be watched by every sort of audience especially sports lovers.
Rating: 3.75/5