“Chiclets” is a Tamil-Telugu Bilingual movie directed by Muthu. The movie star-casts with few non-familiar young artistes in the lead role. A group of three girls students lie to their parents that they are going out to attend the marriage of their friend’s sister and jointly go out for a dating with their boyfriends.
Parents of the girls come to know the truth behind their daughter’s journey and they jointly start searching their daughters. The rest of the movie portrays what happens to the three girls and their boyfriends who have gone on dating, does their parents find their respective daughters and what decision do the three girls finally make. The climax of the movie showcases with a proper message that could educate youngsters which could make them realise their wrong doings.
“Chiclets” is an 18+ movie certified as ‘A’ by the CBFC. Director Muthu has well narrated and has clearly explained about the characters, expectations, behaviour and the infatuation of current teen-age girls. Artistes Sathvik Varma, Nayan Karishma, Jack Robinson, Amrita Halder, Surekha Vani, Sriman, Manobala, Manjeera and Aranthai Rajagopal have performed well. Sriman and the old lady character in the movie steal the show.
Cinematographer Kolanchi Kumar, Editor Vijay Velukutty have done justice to their works. Music Director Balamurali Balu has added flavour to the content of the movie.
This ‘A’ certified “Chiclets” movie would surely be an entertainer for the audience aged 18 and above.
Rating: 2.5/5